
Stream a downloaded file with Phoenix and Req

Workaround for ISPs blocking Tigris S3 storage: I used Phoenix and Req to proxy and stream files in chunks, ensuring smooth delivery. This post explains how to implement it with send_chunked/2 and Req.get!/2.

Integrating Livebook into My Phoenix/Elixir Projects

Learn how to integrate Livebook seamlessly into your Phoenix/Elixir projects using Mise for environment management. This guide covers connecting Livebook to development and production nodes on Fly.io and Kubernetes, making it a powerful tool for experimentation and admin tasks.

How to Use Lucide Icons in Phoenix: A Complete Guide

Learn how to integrate Lucide icons into your Phoenix project seamlessly. This guide shows you how to add the Lucide library, manage icons, and customize icon styles in Phoenix.

Deploy phoenix with kamal

A walkthrough video to deploy a simple phoenix app on digital ocean using kamal

Probuild Ex Extra

Probuild Ex front started to be unresponsive. My journey about debugging and optimizing queries.

Probuild Ex Part five

A league of legend probuilds with elixir phoenix, part five

Probuild Ex Part four

A league of legend probuilds with elixir phoenix, part four

Probuild Ex Part three

A league of legend probuilds with elixir phoenix, part three

Probuild Ex Part two

A league of legend probuilds with elixir phoenix, part two

Probuild Ex Part One

A league of legend probuilds with elixir phoenix, part one.