Stream a downloaded file with Phoenix and Req
I had to proxy files from an S3 bucket hosted on Tigris because some ISPs are blocking the domain
, as it was previously used to distribute malware.
The code
def show(conn, %{ "id" => document_id }) do case Documents.get_document_by(id: document_id) do document when is_map(document) -> s3_url = Documents.get_s3_url(document) conn = conn # I'm serving pdf only but adapt for your use case |> put_resp_content_type("application/pdf") # Send the response in chunks |> send_chunked(200) # Perform the request to the S3 url # We use `into: fn ... end` to capture the streamed data # immediately pass it to the client with `chunk/2` Req.get!(s3_url, into: fn {:data, data}, {req, resp} -> chunk(conn, data) {:cont, {req, resp}} end ) conn nil -> conn |> put_status(404) |> render("404.html") end end