Today I learned

Stream a downloaded file with Phoenix and Req

Workaround for ISPs blocking Tigris S3 storage: I used Phoenix and Req to proxy and stream files in chunks, ensuring smooth delivery. This post explains how to implement it with send_chunked/2 and Req.get!/2.

How to Use Private Elixir Libraries on GitHub CI

A detailed guide on how to configure GitHub Actions to access private Elixir libraries hosted on GitHub, including setting up personal access tokens, updating mix.exs, and using Docker for builds.

Downloading Large Files with Finch in Elixir

Learn how to efficiently download large files in Elixir using the Finch HTTP client library. This article provides a code example that demonstrates how to stream and store large zip files on your local system.

Nvim Format Sql

Format sql in nvim using range and pgFormatter cli

Pass $ENV to awk

Pass environment variable to awk


How to use mkfifo ?