How to Use Private Elixir Libraries on GitHub CI

When working with private Elixir libraries hosted on GitHub, integrating them into your CI pipeline requires a few specific steps. Here's a guide to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Specify the Private Repository in mix.exs

In your mix.exs file, declare the dependency using the GitHub repository information. Using a specific commit hash is recommended to avoid potential issues with branch names due to CI caching.

defp deps do [ {:private_repo, github: "username/private_repo", ref: "commit"}, # Using a commit hash ensures consistency as branch names might change. ... ] end

Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)

  1. Visit the GitHub PAT settings.
  2. Set the Expiration field to No expiration (for long-term CI use; remember to rotate tokens periodically for security).
  3. Under Repository Access, select the private repository you want to grant access to.
  4. In Permissions, set the following to Read-only:
    • Commit statuses
    • Contents
    • Pull requests
    • Metadata
  5. Generate the token and copy it.
  6. Add this token as a secret in your CI/CD pipeline, e.g., as PAT.

Add the GitHub Token to Your CI Job

In the CI configuration, add the GITHUB_TOKEN as a build argument. For example, in a GitHub Actions workflow:

- name: Build and Push Docker image to GHCR uses: docker/build-push-action@v5 with: context: . push: true tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }} labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }} build-args: | MIX_ENV=small BUILD_METADATA=${{ steps.meta.outputs.json }} ERL_FLAGS=+JPperf true GITHUB_TOKEN=${{ secrets.PAT }}

Update the Dockerfile

To allow git to access private repositories, configure the GitHub token in the Dockerfile:

# We need this for git to access private repos ARG GITHUB_TOKEN ... # Configure git to use the GITHUB_TOKEN in the URL RUN git config --global url."https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}".insteadOf "" \ && mix deps.get --only $MIX_ENV

This configuration ensures that your Docker build process can pull private repositories using the provided GITHUB_TOKEN.


By following these steps:

  1. Define your private repository in mix.exs.
  2. Generate and securely store a GitHub Personal Access Token.
  3. Configure your CI/CD pipeline to use the token as a build argument.
  4. Update your Dockerfile to configure git for private repo access.

Your CI pipeline will now be able to fetch private dependencies, streamlining the build process for Elixir projects.

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