Deploy phoenix with kamal
Kamal deploys web apps anywhere from bare metal to cloud VMs using Docker with no downtime. We will deploying a phoenix app to digital ocean.
You need to have elixir, ruby and docker installed:
You need to have ssh keys ready:
We will use the following services for hosting and managing the domain:
- Digital Ocean feel free to use my referal link it give you $200 credit.
- Github to host the docker image
- Cloudflare to manage the domain
Setup asdf
Follow the installation guide
We need 3 plugins ruby erlang and elixir
asdf plugin-add ruby asdf plugin-add erlang asdf plugin-add elixir
You will also need some extra packages for building erlang dependings of your OS check asdf-erlang
Create a ~/.tool-versions
with the following content
ruby 3.2.1 elixir 1.14.3-otp-25 erlang 25.1.2
run asdf install after it finish you should have ruby, elixir and erlang installed
ruby -v ruby 3.2.1 (2023-02-08 revision 31819e82c8) [x86_64-linux]
elixir -v Erlang/OTP 25 [erts-13.1.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:24:24] [ds:24:24:10] [async-threads:1] [jit:ns] Elixir 1.14.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)
Follow the installation guide
Digital ocean
Create droplets
- Choose region
- Choose ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Basic
- Regular 1 GB
- SSH Key
- Quantity 2
Create database
- postgres 15
- first plan
Create load balancer
- Choose region
- Connect droplets
- edit health_check to /up
Creating the phoenix project
mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.7.7 mix blogex cd blogex
Creating a local dev database with docker compose
Create a file called
version: '3.8' services: postgres: image: postgres:15.4 environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres ports: - '5432:5432' restart: 'no'
Run the compose container postgres
docker compose -f up
Create the database
mix ecto.create
Generating the article crud
We will use phx.gen
mix Blog Article articles title:text body:text
Add the created routes to lib/blogex_web/router.ex
... live "/articles", ArticleLive.Index, :index live "/articles/new", ArticleLive.Index, :new live "/articles/:id/edit", ArticleLive.Index, :edit live "/articles/:id", ArticleLive.Show, :show live "/articles/:id/show/edit", ArticleLive.Show, :edit ...
Run the migration
mix phx.migrate
Preparing blogex for deployment
Digital ocean and kamal expect a healthcheck route on /up
that answer a 200 HTTP status.
Writing HealthCheckPlug
Create lib/blogex_web/health_check.ex
defmodule BlogexWeb.HealthCheckPlug do @moduledoc """ A Plug to return a health check on `/up` """ import Plug.Conn @behaviour Plug def init(opts), do: opts def call(%{path_info: ["up"]} = conn, _opts) do conn |> send_resp(200, "ok") |> halt() end def call(conn, _opts), do: conn end
We will add the plugin directly in the endpoint before the logs
Edit lib/blogex_web/endpoint.ex
... plug BlogexWeb.HealthCheckPlug ...
Testing /up
curl -v localhost:4000/up
Preparing the release
mix release.init
Edit rel/
ip=$(hostname -i) export RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION=name export RELEASE_NODE=<%= %>@$ip
Preparing the image
Let's generate the base docker image with phx cmd
mix phx.gen.release --docker
We need to add curl to our image it's used by kamal to do healthcheck
On the Dockerfile add curl to the list of dependencies
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libstdc++6 openssl libncurses5 locales curl \ && apt-get clean && rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*_*
We also need to expose port 3000
Github token
Let's get a github token to create docker images
Go to
- Note: blogex
- Select scopes
- Generate token
Kamal part
Let's instal the kamal gem
gem install kamal kamal version
Kamal config
kamal init
It will create a /config/deploy.yml
and an .env
Edit the .env
We need to generate some secrets for our deployment
mix phx.gen.secret
Edit the .env
file with our generated secrets
KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<github-token> SECRET_KEY_BASE=<secret-key-base> DATABASE_URL=[dogenerated] PHX_HOST=[yourdomain]
Edit config/runtime.exs
config :blogex, Blogex.Repo, ssl: true, ssl_opts: [ verify: :verify_none ], ...
Edit deploy.yml
Edit the config/deploy.yml
# Name of your application. Used to uniquely configure containers. service: blogex # Name of the container image. image: mrdotb/blogex # Deploy to these servers. servers: - [server-ip-1] - [server-ip-2] # Credentials for your image host. registry: server: # Specify the registry server, if you're not using Docker Hub # server: / / ... username: <github-username> # Always use an access token rather than real password when possible. password: - KAMAL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD # Inject ENV variables into containers (secrets come from .env). env: clear: PORT: 3000 secret: - DATABASE_URL - SECRET_KEY_BASE - PHX_HOST # Use a different ssh user than root # ssh: # user: app # Configure builder setup. builder: # If you’re developing on the same architecture as the one you’re deploying on # which is AMD64 multiarch: false # If you’re developing on ARM64 (like Apple Silicon) # local: # arch: arm64 # host: unix:///Users/<%= `whoami`.strip %>/.docker/run/docker.sock # Remote builder can be used to speedup the process # remote: # arch: amd64 # host: ssh://root@
Kamal deploy
kamal server bootstrap
It will install docker and both server.
make the project a git repo
git init
kamal deploy
It will:
- build the blogex image locally
- push the image to the registry
- connect on the server through ssh
- pull the image from the registry
- create a container with
Now we will serve the app on a domain using cloudflare
Pick the domain
In the SSL/TSL/Overview select the Flexible
In the DNS Records
Create a new record, Type A
, Name
, IPv4 [load-balancer-ip]
, Proxy status proxied
Checking logs and running migration
You will notice an error if you hit the yourdomain/articles
that's because we need to run the migration
Let's check the logs
kamal app logs
Let's run the migration
kamal app exec -i --reuse '/app/bin/blogex remote' Blogex.Release.migrate
Edit & re-deploy
Let's edit the body input to be a textarea
kamal deploy
Rolling back
Listing containers
kamal app containers
Rolling back
kamal rollback [git hash]