Probuild Ex Part two

In Part one we created our HTTP clients and model our data. In this second part, we are going to organize the data collection and creation through modules and processes. Part two assumes that you have already gone through Part one and have the code at a point where we can jump right in. If you want to checkout the companion code and fast forward to this point, do the following:
git clone cd probuild_ex git checkout 423fd0aa116db03456a3c49363b413c2a567ba60
Table of contents
Have a peak 👀 at the end of series application
Modules Diagram
Here is a diagram of what we are going to do.
a context module holding the functions to query and insert data in postgres.Canon
a set of 3 modules:Canon.Pros
glue between theUGG
andRiot Api
responsable to get the external data of the pro player and pass it through theGames
context for creation.Canon.Games
glue between theRiot Api
responsable to get the pro games data and pass it through theGames
context for creation.Canon.Cron
responsable to runCanon.Pros
every 24 hours andGames
in loop.
is a HTTP client done in part one.RiotApi
is a HTTP client done in part one.
Games context first part and canon Pros - commit
We are going to create the Games
context with functions to fetch and create the team
, pro
and summoner
Games context
Create a new file lib/probuild_ex/games.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Games do @moduledoc """ The context module to manage the creation / updates of schemas. """ import Ecto.Query alias ProbuildEx.Repo alias ProbuildEx.Games.{ Pro, Summoner, Team } @doc """ Create a Pro with his team and summoner inside a transaction. """ def create_pro_complete(ugg_pro, summoner_data) do Repo.transaction(fn -> with {:ok, team} <- fetch_or_create_team(ugg_pro["current_team"]), {:ok, pro} <- fetch_or_create_pro(ugg_pro["official_name"],, attrs <- Map.merge(summoner_data, %{ "platform_id" => ugg_pro["region_id"], "pro_id" => }), {:ok, summoner} <- update_or_create_summoner(attrs) do %{team: team, pro: pro, summoner: summoner} else {:error, error} -> Repo.rollback(error) end end) end @doc """ Fetch or create a team based on name. """ def fetch_or_create_team(name) do case Repo.get_by(Team, name: name) do nil -> changeset = Team.changeset(%Team{}, %{name: name}) Repo.insert(changeset) team -> {:ok, team} end end @doc """ Fetch or create a pro based on name and team_id. """ def fetch_or_create_pro(name, team_id) do case Repo.get_by(Pro, name: name, team_id: team_id) do nil -> changeset = Pro.changeset(%Pro{}, %{name: name, team_id: team_id}) Repo.insert(changeset) pro -> {:ok, pro} end end @doc """ Fetch a summoner using options. Options: * `name` * `puuid` * `platform_id` * `is_pro?` ## Example iex> Games.fetch_summoner(name: "Hide on bush", is_pro?: true) {:ok, %Summoner{}} iex> Games.fetch_summoner(name: "Hide on bush", is_pro?: false) {:error, :not_found} """ def fetch_summoner(opts) do base_query = from(summoner in Summoner) query = Enum.reduce(opts, base_query, &reduce_summoner_opts/2) case do nil -> {:error, :not_found} summoner -> {:ok, summoner} end end defp reduce_summoner_opts({:name, name}, query) do from summoner in query, where: == ^name end defp reduce_summoner_opts({:puuid, puuid}, query) do from summoner in query, where: summoner.puuid == ^puuid end defp reduce_summoner_opts({:platform_id, platform_id}, query) do from summoner in query, where: summoner.platform_id == ^platform_id end defp reduce_summoner_opts({:is_pro?, true}, query) do from summoner in query, where: not is_nil(summoner.pro_id) end defp reduce_summoner_opts({:is_pro?, false}, query) do from summoner in query, where: not is_nil(summoner.pro_id) end defp reduce_summoner_opts({key, value}, _query), do: raise("not supported option #{inspect(key)} with value #{inspect(value)}") @doc """ Create summoner """ def create_summoner(attrs) do %Summoner{} |> Summoner.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Update summoner """ def update_summoner(summoner, attrs) do summoner |> Summoner.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Update or Create summoner it's possible that the summoner already exist in our database but it is not attached to a pro player """ def update_or_create_summoner(attrs) do opts = [puuid: attrs["puuid"], platform_id: attrs["platform_id"]] case fetch_summoner(opts) do {:ok, summoner} -> update_summoner(summoner, attrs) {:error, :not_found} -> create_summoner(attrs) end end end
Our Games
module have many functions let's explain a bit.
The create_pro_complete/2
function takes for parameter a ugg_pro and his summoner_data from riot_api.
The work will be done inside a database transaction:
- it will create or fetch the team of this pro player
- it will create or fetch the pro player
- it will update or create the summoner, summoner get a different treatment because they can change. (name change, get attached to a pro player)
If something go wrong the transaction is discarded and nothing is created / updated otherwise we return a map with the keys
The fetch_summoner/1
function take for parameters an options keyword to perform a search on the summoners. We are using the ecto query composition method.
Games context fixtures and tests
Now, we will test the function in our Games
module. For this purpose we will create a test fixtures and a test file.
A test fixture is a fixed state of a set of objects used as a baseline for running tests. The purpose of a test fixture is to ensure that there is a well known and fixed environment in which tests are run so that results are repeatable.
Let's create our fixtures, create a folder mkdir test/support/fixtures
then a new file test/support/fixtures/games_fixtures.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.GamesFixtures do @moduledoc """ This module defines test helpers for creating entities via the `Games` context. """ @doc """ Generate a unique team name. """ def unique_team_name, do: "team name #{System.unique_integer([:positive])}" @doc """ Generate a team. """ def team_fixture(name \\ unique_team_name()) do {:ok, team} = ProbuildEx.Games.fetch_or_create_team(name) team end @doc """ Generate a unique pro name. """ def unique_pro_name, do: "pro name #{System.unique_integer([:positive])}" @doc """ Generate a pro. """ def pro_fixture(name \\ unique_pro_name(), team \\ team_fixture()) do {:ok, pro} = ProbuildEx.Games.fetch_or_create_pro(name, pro end @doc """ Generate a unique attrs for summoner. """ def unique_summoner_attrs(attrs \\ %{}) do summoner_name = "summoner name #{System.unique_integer([:positive])}" puuid = Ecto.UUID.generate() Enum.into( attrs, %{ "name" => summoner_name, "platform_id" => "euw1", "puuid" => puuid } ) end @doc """ Generate a summoner. """ def summoner_fixture(attrs \\ %{}, pro \\ pro_fixture()) do attrs = attrs |> Map.put("pro_id", |> unique_summoner_attrs() {:ok, summoner} = ProbuildEx.Games.create_summoner(attrs) summoner end end
Create a new file test/probuild_ex/games_test.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.GamesTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true use ProbuildEx.DataCase import ProbuildEx.GamesFixtures alias ProbuildEx.Games describe "team" do test "fetch_or_create_team/1 should create team then fetch it" do unique_team_name = unique_team_name() assert {:ok, created_team} = Games.fetch_or_create_team(unique_team_name) assert {:ok, fetched_team} = Games.fetch_or_create_team(unique_team_name) assert == end end describe "Pro" do test "fetch_or_create_pro/2 should create team then fetch it" do team = team_fixture() unique_pro_name = unique_pro_name() assert {:ok, created_pro} = Games.fetch_or_create_pro(unique_pro_name, assert {:ok, fetched_pro} = Games.fetch_or_create_pro(unique_pro_name, assert == end end describe "summoner" do test "update_or_create_summoner/1 should create summoner then update it" do pro = pro_fixture() summoner_attrs = Map.put(unique_summoner_attrs(), "pro_id", assert {:ok, created_summoner} = Games.update_or_create_summoner(summoner_attrs) summoner_attrs = Map.put(summoner_attrs, "name", "faker") assert {:ok, updated_summoner} = Games.update_or_create_summoner(summoner_attrs) assert == assert == "faker" end test "fetch_summoner/1 opts" do summoner_fixture(%{"name" => "faker"}) assert {:ok, _} = Games.fetch_summoner(name: "faker") summoner_fixture(%{"puuid" => "123", "platform_id" => "euw1"}) assert {:ok, _} = Games.fetch_summoner(puuid: "123", platform_id: "euw1") summoner_fixture(%{"pro_id" => nil, "puuid" => "abc"}) assert {:ok, _} = Games.fetch_summoner(is_pro?: false, puuid: "abc") summoner_fixture(%{"puuid" => "abcd"}) assert {:ok, _} = Games.fetch_summoner(is_pro?: true, puuid: "abcd") assert {:error, :not_found} = Games.fetch_summoner(puuid: "1234") end end describe "pro transaction" do @chovy_ugg %{ "current_ign" => "Shrimp Shark", "current_team" => "Gen.G", "league" => "LCK", "main_role" => "mid", "normalized_name" => "chovy", "official_name" => "Chovy", "region_id" => "euw1" } @chovy_summoner_riot %{ "accountId" => "ei4Gy40LkIa8yXDWgJByZPLwgNBSpTh4GVg7xA1l-RHzq5avJDZq516k", "id" => "prjMc2d4I594w7ib9Ws966dDmchDQDxPrY9tckTfrvHuzPCPVIzvoUvapA", "name" => "Shrimp Shark", "profileIconId" => 29, "puuid" => "i91dcy5ekDwcjaHZak-RSmM_NCskwtbH5bLKRwYr_BJvA71QZ14ze61fo4HxkDwJXgk3vfs_bUMqxA", "revisionDate" => 1_634_857_524_000, "summonerLevel" => 37 } test "create_pro_complete/2 should create team, pro and summoner" do assert {:ok, result} = Games.create_pro_complete(@chovy_ugg, @chovy_summoner_riot) assert == @chovy_ugg["current_team"] assert == @chovy_ugg["official_name"] assert == @chovy_summoner_riot["name"] end end end
Elixir come with his unit testing framework ExUnit.
Team, pro and summoner test are self explanatory. We ensure it behave as expected.
To test of our main function create_pro_complete/2
I choose to pull some real data instead of fixture this way it's easier to understand how it will behave with real data. We call the function and check the returned map and compare it to the provided data.
Let's run our tests.
mix test Finished in 0.09 seconds (0.08s async, 0.01s sync) 8 tests, 0 failures
Success !
Canon Pros
Create a new file lib/probuild_ex/canon/pros.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros do @moduledoc """ The Pros Canon pipeline. Step: - Request the UGG pro_list - Filter pro based on the platform_id - If the pro summoner does not exist in our database - Request RiotApi for the data of this summoner. - Create the pro, his team his summoner if they don't exist in our database """ alias ProbuildEx.{ Games, RiotApi, UGG } require Logger def run(platform_id \\ "euw1") do UGG.pro_list() |> Stream.filter(fn ugg_pro -> Map.get(ugg_pro, "region_id") == platform_id end) |> ugg_pro -> name = Map.get(ugg_pro, "current_ign") platform_id = Map.get(ugg_pro, "region_id") client = opts = [name: name, platform_id: platform_id, is_pro?: true] with {:error, :not_found} <- Games.fetch_summoner(opts), {:ok, summoner_data} <- RiotApi.fetch_summoner_by_name(client, name) do {ugg_pro, summoner_data} else {:ok, _summoner} -> {:error, :already_exist} {:error, :not_found} -> {:error, :not_found} end end) |> Stream.reject(fn {:error, _error} -> true {_ugg_pro, _summoner_data} -> false end) |> {ugg_pro, summoner_data} -> ugg_pro |> Games.create_pro_complete(summoner_data) |> log_failed_transaction() end) |> end defp log_failed_transaction(result) do case result do {:ok, _} -> :ok {:error, any} -> Logger.error(any) {:error, multi_name, changeset, multi} -> Logger.error(""" multi_name: #{inspect(multi_name)} changeset: #{inspect(changeset)} multi: #{inspect(multi)} """) end end end
Canon Pros is a good opportunity to use elixir Stream.
We want the pipeline to be done sequentially because at some point we will exhaust our riot api quota and we will have to wait.
Consider the following code. Try it in iex.
(1..5 |> n -> IO.puts("HTTP request #{n}") :timer.sleep(500) n end) |> Enum.each(fn n -> IO.puts("Insert #{n} in db") end)) HTTP request 1 HTTP request 2 HTTP request 3 HTTP request 4 HTTP request 5 Insert 1 in db Insert 2 in db Insert 3 in db Insert 4 in db Insert 5 in db
We use :timer.sleep()
to simulate a HTTP request
As you can see using Enum
we need to do all our requests before going to the inserts.
Not let's compare to the Stream
(1..5 |> n -> IO.puts("HTTP request #{n}") :timer.sleep(500) n end) |> Stream.each(fn n -> IO.puts("Insert #{n} in db") end)) |> HTTP request 1 Insert 1 in db HTTP request 2 Insert 2 in db HTTP request 3 Insert 3 in db HTTP request 4 Insert 4 in db HTTP request 5 Insert 5 in db
You can see that we have the actions are done sequentially [request] -> [insert] -> [request] ...
Going back to our Canon.Pros
we get the UGG pro_list then sequentially:
- filter pro based on the platform_id we intrested in
- filter if summoner already exist in DB
- Request riot API for the summoner
- filter if summoner does not exist in riot API
- Create the pro, his team, his summoner or attach him to existing data if the pro or his team already exist
Refresh your riot token from their dashboard and put it on config/dev.local.exs
. Dev token only last 24 hours like we did in part one.
Now it's time to run our Canon.Pros
and start collecting pros. You can put one of the platflorm_id
from this list ["euw1", "jp1", "kr", "na1", "br1"]"kr")
Now you should see a mix of HTTP logs from tesla and sql queries and inserts. At some point you should get rate limited. The tesla retry middleware that we setup in part one will kick in and retry until the limit end.
And that's all for Canon.Pros
! It will take some time to complete depending on the region you choose. But since we do everything in transaction it's safe to kill it anytime and restart it later!
Games context second part and canon Games - commit
Edit game schema and changeset
Open lib/probuild_ex/games/game.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Games.Game do use Ecto.Schema import Ecto.Changeset alias ProbuildEx.Games.Participant schema "games" do field :creation_int, :integer, virtual: true field :creation, :utc_datetime field :duration, :integer field :platform_id, Ecto.Enum, values: [:br1, :eun1, :euw1, :jp1, :kr, :la1, :la2, :na1, :oc1, :ru, :tr1] field :riot_id, :string field :version, :string field :winner, :integer has_many :participants, Participant timestamps() end @doc false def changeset(game, attrs) do game |> cast(attrs, [:creation_int, :duration, :platform_id, :riot_id, :version, :winner]) |> validate_required([:creation_int, :duration, :platform_id, :riot_id, :version, :winner]) |> clean_version() |> cast_creation() |> unique_constraint(:riot_id) end defp clean_version(changeset) do case fetch_change(changeset, :version) do {:ok, version} -> version = version |> String.split(".") |> Enum.take(2) |> Enum.join(".") |> Kernel.<>(".1") put_change(changeset, :version, version) :error -> changeset end end defp cast_creation(changeset) do case fetch_change(changeset, :creation_int) do {:ok, creation_int} -> creation = creation_int |> DateTime.from_unix!(:millisecond) |> DateTime.truncate(:second) put_change(changeset, :creation, creation) :error -> changeset end end end
The creation date we get from riot api is an unix timestamp in millisecond but we want a utc_datetime
For this kind of case when you need to change the type of a data I like to use a virtual field in my schema and a function to cast it to the desired type in my changeset cast_creation/1
Using functions from DateTime
we convert the unix timestamp to a utc_datetime
We also want to simplify the version
provided by the riot api. It will help later when we want to fetch the image of champions, summoners and items.
ex: "12.1.416.4011" should become "12.1.1"
Games context part two
We are going to add function to the Games
context to list, create and query game
, summoner
, participant
Edit file lib/probuild_ex/games.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Games do ... alias Ecto.Multi alias ProbuildEx.Repo alias ProbuildEx.Games.{ Game, Participant, Pro, Summoner, Team } ... @doc """ List pro summoner per platform_id. """ def list_pro_summoners(platform_id) do query = from summoner in Summoner, where: summoner.platform_id == ^platform_id and not is_nil(summoner.pro_id), order_by: [desc: summoner.updated_at] Repo.all(query) end @doc """ Given a list of riots ids return a list of the one that does not exist in database yet """ def reject_existing_games(riot_ids) do query = from game in Game, where: game.riot_id in ^riot_ids, select: game.riot_id existing_riot_ids = Repo.all(query) Enum.reject(riot_ids, fn riot_id -> riot_id in existing_riot_ids end) end @doc """ Create a complete game based on a platform_id, match_data and a list of summoners. """ def create_game_complete(platform_id, match_data, summoners_list) do multi = Multi.insert(, :game, change_game(match_data)) multi = Enum.reduce(summoners_list, multi, fn summoner, multi -> reduce_put_or_create_summoner(platform_id, summoner, multi) end) participants = get_in(match_data, ["info", "participants"]) multi = Enum.reduce(participants, multi, &reduce_create_participant/2) multi = Enum.reduce(participants, multi, &reduce_set_opponent_participant/2) Repo.transaction(multi) end defp reduce_put_or_create_summoner(_platform_id, %Summoner{} = summoner, multi) do Multi.put(multi, {:summoner, summoner.puuid}, summoner) end defp reduce_put_or_create_summoner(platform_id, summoner_data, multi) do case Map.fetch(summoner_data, "puuid") do {:ok, puuid} -> attrs = Map.put(summoner_data, "platform_id", platform_id) changeset = Summoner.changeset(%Summoner{}, attrs) Multi.insert(multi, {:summoner, puuid}, changeset) :error -> multi end end defp fetch_participant_key(participant_data) do with {:ok, team_id} <- Map.fetch(participant_data, "teamId"), true <- team_id in [100, 200], {:ok, team_position} <- Map.fetch(participant_data, "teamPosition"), true <- is_binary(team_position) and team_position in ["UTILITY", "TOP", "JUNGLE", "MIDDLE", "BOTTOM"] do {:ok, {team_id, team_position}} else _ -> :error end end defp get_enemy_team_id(100), do: 200 defp get_enemy_team_id(200), do: 100 defp fetch_opponent_participant_key(participant_data) do with {:ok, {team_id, team_position}} <- fetch_participant_key(participant_data), enemy_team_id <- get_enemy_team_id(team_id) do {:ok, {enemy_team_id, team_position}} else _ -> :error end end defp reduce_create_participant(participant_data, multi) do result = fetch_participant_key(participant_data) reduce_create_participant(result, participant_data, multi) end defp reduce_create_participant({:ok, participant_key}, participant_data, multi) do Multi.insert( multi, {:participant, participant_key}, fn changes -> case Map.fetch(changes, {:summoner, participant_data["puuid"]}) do {:ok, summoner} -> change_participant(, participant_data, summoner) :error -> # If we can't find the summoner in the changes we put a changeset with # error. It will make the multi fail. Ecto.Changeset.add_error(%Ecto.Changeset{}, :summoner, "not_found") end end ) end defp reduce_create_participant(:error, _participant_data, multi) do multi end defp reduce_set_opponent_participant(participant_data, multi) do Multi.update( multi, {:update_participant, participant_data["puuid"]}, fn changes -> with {:ok, participant_key} <- fetch_participant_key(participant_data), {:ok, opponent_participant_key} <- fetch_opponent_participant_key(participant_data), {:ok, participant} <- Map.fetch(changes, {:participant, participant_key}), {:ok, opponent_participant} <- Map.fetch(changes, {:participant, opponent_participant_key}) do change_participant_opponent(participant, else _ -> # There is a missing data in this participant we put a changeset with # an error to make the multi fail Ecto.Changeset.add_error(%Ecto.Changeset{}, :participant, "not_found") end end ) end def change_game(match_data) do game_attrs = %{ creation_int: get_in(match_data, ["info", "gameCreation"]), duration: get_in(match_data, ["info", "gameDuration"]), platform_id: get_in(match_data, ["info", "platformId"]) |> String.downcase(), riot_id: get_in(match_data, ["metadata", "matchId"]), version: get_in(match_data, ["info", "gameVersion"]), winner: get_winner_team(match_data) } Game.changeset(%Game{}, game_attrs) end defp get_winner_team(match_data) do match_data |> get_in(~w(info teams)s) |> Enum.filter(fn team -> team["win"] end) |> List.first() |> Kernel.||(%{}) |> Map.get("teamId") end def change_participant(game, participant_data, summoner) do participant_attrs = %{ kills: Map.get(participant_data, "kills"), deaths: Map.get(participant_data, "deaths"), assists: Map.get(participant_data, "assists"), champion_id: Map.get(participant_data, "championId"), gold_earned: Map.get(participant_data, "goldEarned"), summoners: Map.take(participant_data, ["summoner1Id", "summoner2Id"]) |> Map.values(), items: Map.take(participant_data, for(n <- 0..6, do: "item#{n}")) |> Map.values(), team_position: Map.get(participant_data, "teamPosition"), game_id:, summoner_id:, team_id: Map.get(participant_data, "teamId"), win: Map.get(participant_data, "win") } Participant.changeset(%Participant{}, participant_attrs) end def change_participant_opponent(participant, opponent_participant_id) do Participant.changeset(participant, %{opponent_participant_id: opponent_participant_id}) end
Let's discuss the function we added to Games
parameter are platform_id
it will query summoner who belongs to this platform_id
and belongs to a pro
. This function will be the first called on Canon.Games
parameter are a list of riot_id
it reject the one that already exist in the database and return the one that does not.
parameters are platform_id
, match_data
and a list of summoner
or summoner_data
. It's a big transaction where we create the game the summoners and the participants. Because it's a lot of line of code I choose to use Ecto.Multi
which is a data structure to organize transaction (check the doc to learn more about Multi).
Let's recap in order what is happening inside this transaction:
- Create the game and put it to the multi as
- Loop over
two cases:- The summoner already exist on our database in this case we just put it to the multi on key
{:summoner, summoner_puuid}
- The summoner does not exist on our database in this case we create it then put it to the multi on key
{:summoner, summoner_puuid}
- The summoner already exist on our database in this case we just put it to the multi on key
- Extract participants from
- Loop over participants two cases:
- The participant is missing some important data (
) in this case we put anerror
in the changeset and the transaction will fail - The participant data is complete in this case we create the participant link it to his summoner and put it in the multi on key
{:participant, {team_id, team_position}}
. ex{:participant, {100, "MIDDLE"}}
- The participant is missing some important data (
- Loop over participants again two cases:
- We can't find the opponent_participant in this case we put an
in the changeset and the transaction will fail - We can find the opponent_participant in this case we will set the
to theopponent_id
- We can't find the opponent_participant in this case we put an
- We run our
if there is no errors all the data will get inserted!
Games context fixtures and tests
To test the previous code especially create_game_complete/3
we need a full game data fixture. It's long so the code block below is collapsed.
defmodule ProbuildEx.GameDataFixtures do @platform_id "kr" @game_data %{ "info" => %{ "gameCreation" => 1_641_927_741_000, "gameDuration" => 1828, "gameEndTimestamp" => 1_641_929_589_535, "gameId" => 5_685_774_969, "gameMode" => "CLASSIC", "gameName" => "teambuilder-match-5685774969", "gameStartTimestamp" => 1_641_927_760_864, "gameType" => "MATCHED_GAME", "gameVersion" => "12.1.416.4011", "mapId" => 11, "participants" => [ %{ "timeCCingOthers" => 4, "teamId" => 100, "totalUnitsHealed" => 1, "spell4Casts" => 151, "objectivesStolen" => 0, "kills" => 1, "participantId" => 1, "visionWardsBoughtInGame" => 2, "totalDamageShieldedOnTeammates" => 0, "unrealKills" => 0, "riotIdTagline" => "", "inhibitorKills" => 0, "largestCriticalStrike" => 0, "visionScore" => 36, "inhibitorsLost" => 1, "profileIcon" => 7, "firstBloodAssist" => false, "item3" => 2003, "magicDamageTaken" => 4090, "win" => false, "deaths" => 8, "trueDamageTaken" => 635, "championId" => 126, "turretKills" => 0, "firstTowerAssist" => false, "pentaKills" => 0, "spell2Casts" => 57, "totalMinionsKilled" => 185, "lane" => "TOP", "totalDamageDealtToChampions" => 12888, "damageDealtToBuildings" => 3468, "damageDealtToObjectives" => 6799, "trueDamageDealt" => 5107, "detectorWardsPlaced" => 2, "killingSprees" => 0, "dragonKills" => 0, "gameEndedInEarlySurrender" => false, "nexusTakedowns" => 0, "totalTimeSpentDead" => 255, "spell1Casts" => 96, "physicalDamageDealtToChampions" => 9951, "item4" => 0, "totalDamageTaken" => 18591, "item5" => 3047, "consumablesPurchased" => 5, "sightWardsBoughtInGame" => 0, "tripleKills" => 0, "itemsPurchased" => 24, "nexusLost" => 1, "item1" => 3042, "magicDamageDealtToChampions" => 1944, "goldEarned" => 10784, "firstBloodKill" => false, "item2" => 6694, "timePlayed" => 1828, "magicDamageDealt" => 12419, "physicalDamageTaken" => 13865, "wardsKilled" => 2, "summonerId" => "RK3ByRZhdDJO2Y1i08SbLWmNDvN4WQrJk9aornKsa-xSTyE", "item0" => 6692, "longestTimeSpentLiving" => 485, 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"pickTurn" => 1}, %{"championId" => -1, "pickTurn" => 2}, %{"championId" => 7, "pickTurn" => 3}, %{"championId" => 39, "pickTurn" => 4}, %{"championId" => 51, "pickTurn" => 5} ], "objectives" => %{ "baron" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 0}, "champion" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 36}, "dragon" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 2}, "inhibitor" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 1}, "riftHerald" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 1}, "tower" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 8} }, "teamId" => 100, "win" => false }, %{ "bans" => [ %{"championId" => 24, "pickTurn" => 6}, %{"championId" => 412, "pickTurn" => 7}, %{"championId" => 64, "pickTurn" => 8}, %{"championId" => 51, "pickTurn" => 9}, %{"championId" => 7, "pickTurn" => 10} ], "objectives" => %{ "baron" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 2}, "champion" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 36}, "dragon" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 1}, "inhibitor" => %{"first" => false, "kills" => 1}, "riftHerald" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 1}, "tower" => %{"first" => true, "kills" => 7} }, "teamId" => 200, "win" => true } ], "tournamentCode" => "" }, "metadata" => %{ "dataVersion" => "2", "matchId" => "KR_5685774969", "participants" => [ "k9sExkZBHvvAkeiJVP6embKnrDh-aWWE0pxRHZs99Q45nZgwbb22WgQL_NN0GejmOnALmE4AmZitnw", "CRzFXroIwKW8iEuI39sjp5-Y5A4zxVCrp5tFftkUcYcZ-I51lwL0tV85oxe-qWEkkNate9SO03S4yA", "W1CZSdjFhHdZfZV83sW7QTnG2wDCSJq8JkpQAtL5b-yxMguLt9ASCNsmwuIj6t8aikXEpXw35WCo_w", "JLNI3-xAR-4txi2OMTCNyJoKdxzFKYKO8KjxElLf_q9r22m9AQPJZv7ZujA_L9Hv3K0qxcVi66YOwg", "A0pSReTKIcBQzoNeLpzCiuusXhV_AlUQnNWElX7pe8QWtZ63s6j6y5VzWMJyOxpS72epARNm3zN1rw", "Kr4y3g-A2i3ygwfAfPAVhrNdwxP8S8EvzM4-Uzcpzf-hOLlaLWnVsjRjX_vsxGDo53k22fczemzjdQ", "ZgVE_MCAYUF4prmeZ3qpPwIXQrv5wr8BVrFkvPDemkUTF_gV5A8JR8paGjFvWcrOSExFcKNFJpxf9A", "1e6OdLUSFJ7IP_en8g6NP_f_5h543nY4ES1Gqb4IwwD8BWAJjNecccDIGw5E8p6ofyhnylOeFamCQw", "dzgRkv4yPKK9_49hnjr80uUYhChCcE9_xMvcSbTMFMF4CZxw4hDU2lk_QeqyidyS1bMjKkk6JGJ4Pg", "tkV-xbnJqqPnXBJquyJcRkPS0eclgALr4GPIHVHi6w3mTEGv4mcb_XsxW5yVn0JAi9yHxB5ul3rFnw" ] } } @summoners_list [ %{ "accountId" => "0-k1O0Hnn9-X-GTaXe0ZpRwLPyDmD9skiGcqa-dpBC_XHCjg2PmQBxIV", "id" => "YGlJDliPMzMMN-lqkC8qz7VK0oR9SeVj3tVoQVlWqimWasM", "name" => "블루베리맛있어", "profileIconId" => 23, "puuid" => "tkV-xbnJqqPnXBJquyJcRkPS0eclgALr4GPIHVHi6w3mTEGv4mcb_XsxW5yVn0JAi9yHxB5ul3rFnw", "revisionDate" => 1_657_627_686_000, "summonerLevel" => 341 }, %{ "accountId" => "zN5TZkPG-MkrAMAlZQSa-SNGOhkwyghfWFhY075zUrse", "id" => "gJOiYu9ANIoAhwikEy4EgDqbf_Rv1Bzbfq3YY5ahLmpqYA", "name" => "지조있게", "profileIconId" => 596, "puuid" => "dzgRkv4yPKK9_49hnjr80uUYhChCcE9_xMvcSbTMFMF4CZxw4hDU2lk_QeqyidyS1bMjKkk6JGJ4Pg", "revisionDate" => 1_663_261_669_000, "summonerLevel" => 656 }, %{ "accountId" => "6jQxeIlBUExhgOUGXfWFyf_TkIizpZJJ1c5Ml6RcEPT-wBCZYxee9hv-", "id" => "PjoMK1yxqHLdTnOix7e8Uh0PBT8TefcWF5ide0OSnvi0KRY", "name" => "YAMANGZZ", "profileIconId" => 7, "puuid" => "1e6OdLUSFJ7IP_en8g6NP_f_5h543nY4ES1Gqb4IwwD8BWAJjNecccDIGw5E8p6ofyhnylOeFamCQw", "revisionDate" => 1_663_350_799_000, "summonerLevel" => 158 }, %{ "accountId" => "DVoDOGfSHgZFyuor4xE2yOtBHsdCEvkagJxaWFpC7vgu6zw", "id" => "9IH8uSUhaAsphmo2LuqkFtAaqN1nJeNczAB7IBKrlRPz__E", "name" => "milinjinbingwan", "profileIconId" => 3785, "puuid" => "ZgVE_MCAYUF4prmeZ3qpPwIXQrv5wr8BVrFkvPDemkUTF_gV5A8JR8paGjFvWcrOSExFcKNFJpxf9A", "revisionDate" => 1_663_378_888_225, "summonerLevel" => 229 }, %{ "accountId" => "_-m7Gyn4QupEILCjIt7KAMXBv5AhpPOzkWf9LuIehDILnvGy01qYgAKc", "id" => "NEXg9wj80c8ygbKTds2qVxdpMVIytZRpWuxLjPxJB3rJKx702B-BW0ZsMQ", "name" => "2639439711897152", "profileIconId" => 5212, "puuid" => "Kr4y3g-A2i3ygwfAfPAVhrNdwxP8S8EvzM4-Uzcpzf-hOLlaLWnVsjRjX_vsxGDo53k22fczemzjdQ", "revisionDate" => 1_642_137_289_000, "summonerLevel" => 177 }, %{ "accountId" => "iT_-GNp_wFQW3TOqnbUXg4ooDRM0HUmNHhb6kL66XemPZG0PBXak0_va", "id" => "oNmiTQCByo1WRnI2f_LrEOYCCH1M729rbgZqVF6vcKjE1amUYUMI1Tv-Uw", "name" => "Jian Yi Bu Dao", "profileIconId" => 5270, "puuid" => "A0pSReTKIcBQzoNeLpzCiuusXhV_AlUQnNWElX7pe8QWtZ63s6j6y5VzWMJyOxpS72epARNm3zN1rw", "revisionDate" => 1_650_272_947_000, "summonerLevel" => 159 }, %{ "accountId" => "i4fSM8j2C-oyaUKlFBeHZ4p9EKVEM-3fli1m9_QtIQMdbX8", "id" => "0TYa_tmaBd6256dpht5lJ2__DCQJpXps3u8iHUMo968wK2U", "name" => "티원 스매시", "profileIconId" => 5098, "puuid" => "JLNI3-xAR-4txi2OMTCNyJoKdxzFKYKO8KjxElLf_q9r22m9AQPJZv7ZujA_L9Hv3K0qxcVi66YOwg", "revisionDate" => 1_650_212_494_000, "summonerLevel" => 509 }, %{ "accountId" => "8zXX2e6EI4Tv9bIrSX97eD0EZ3-TODxqVXlo5Hb6dRf1Qy-yuw9z1WKw", "id" => "E8YFAx8T8FmvKco69PPKf_MjemHyOhYgZic_x0VzLr40jUppDto3ecTDVg", "name" => "담원기아 세인트", "profileIconId" => 5096, "puuid" => "W1CZSdjFhHdZfZV83sW7QTnG2wDCSJq8JkpQAtL5b-yxMguLt9ASCNsmwuIj6t8aikXEpXw35WCo_w", "revisionDate" => 1_663_484_963_092, "summonerLevel" => 282 }, %{ "accountId" => "Fl6mt8g0W7FPu2jd5CISqojpi7hKU_EK_PU_MVgTzt8Lxbk_nvREDUqa", "id" => "fw2cuRpbi3_xIUKDQ_kRBMzOn18IL1f5CpRQc7fb-tc0b3f2Eu-xD1flmw", "name" => "못먹어요", "profileIconId" => 3366, "puuid" => "CRzFXroIwKW8iEuI39sjp5-Y5A4zxVCrp5tFftkUcYcZ-I51lwL0tV85oxe-qWEkkNate9SO03S4yA", "revisionDate" => 1_650_000_714_000, "summonerLevel" => 72 }, %{ "accountId" => "aF1STDX2DE6w_qeJuPkPngGRl4huNxcQeAMo77ws-0JT8MM", "id" => "RK3ByRZhdDJO2Y1i08SbLWmNDvN4WQrJk9aornKsa-xSTyE", "name" => "펄스나인원딜", "profileIconId" => 7, "puuid" => "k9sExkZBHvvAkeiJVP6embKnrDh-aWWE0pxRHZs99Q45nZgwbb22WgQL_NN0GejmOnALmE4AmZitnw", "revisionDate" => 1_663_358_966_000, "summonerLevel" => 345 } ] def get do %{ platform_id: @platform_id, game_data: @game_data, summoners_list: @summoners_list } end end
Add this to our existing test/support/fixtures/games_fixtures.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.GamesFixtures do ... @doc """ Generate a unique attrs for game. """ def unique_game_attrs(attrs \\ %{}) do Enum.into( attrs, %{ "creation_int" =>!("Etc/UTC") |> DateTime.to_unix(:millisecond), "duration" => 1600, "platform_id" => "euw1", "riot_id" => "EUW1_#{System.unique_integer([:positive])}", "version" => "12.1.1", "winner" => 100 } ) end @doc """ Generate a game. """ def game_fixture(attrs \\ %{}) do attrs = unique_game_attrs(attrs) {:ok, game} = ProbuildEx.Repo.insert(attrs) game end end
Edit test/probuild_ex/games_test.exs
defmodule ProbuildEx.GamesTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true use ProbuildEx.DataCase import ProbuildEx.GamesFixtures alias ProbuildEx.GameDataFixtures alias ProbuildEx.Games ... describe "summoner" do ... test "list_pro_summoners/1 should filter properly per region and pro" do summoner_fixture(%{"platform_id" => "kr"}) summoner_fixture(%{"platform_id" => "euw1"}) summoner_fixture(%{"pro_id" => nil, "platform_id" => "kr"}) assert [_pro_kr_summoner] = Games.list_pro_summoners("kr") end end describe "game" do test "Games.Game.changeset/2 should clean version" do attrs = unique_game_attrs(%{"version" => "12.1.416.4011"}) assert {:ok, game} = %Games.Game{} |> Games.Game.changeset(attrs) |> apply_action(:insert) assert game.version == "12.1.1" end test "Games.Game.changeset/2 should cast creation_int unix timestamp to utc_datetime creation" do attrs = unique_game_attrs(%{"creation_int" => 1_663_531_903_769}) assert {:ok, game} = %Games.Game{} |> Games.Game.changeset(attrs) |> apply_action(:insert) assert game.creation == ~U[2022-09-18 20:11:43Z] end test "create_game_complete/3 should create a game, 10 summoners and 10 participants" do data = GameDataFixtures.get() assert {:ok, multi} = Games.create_game_complete( data.platform_id, data.game_data, data.summoners_list ) assert %Games.Game{} = multi[:game] created_summoners = for {{:summoner, _puuid}, summoner} <- multi do assert %Games.Summoner{} = summoner end assert Enum.count(created_summoners) == 10 created_participants = for {{:participant, _team_role}, participant} <- multi do assert %Games.Participant{} = participant end assert Enum.count(created_participants) == 10 end end end
We added a test for list_pro_summoners/1
make sure it behave properly.
We added tests for the game
schema and Game.changeset/2
about the version
and creation_int
that we discussed earlier.
Last we test our create_game_complete/3
. We pass it the real data fixture we setup erlier in GameDataFixtures
We check the returned Multi
we should get a Game
, 10 summoner
and 10 participants
Canon Games
With our Games
context ready it's time to write Canon.Games
Create a new file lib/probuild_ex/canon/games
defmodule ProbuildEx.Canon.Games do @moduledoc """ The Games Canon pipeline. All the call to RiotApi happens here. Step: - Query our database for pro summoner of the selected platform_id. - Request RiotApi for the match_ids of the pro summoner. - Filter match_ids that already exist in our database. - Request RiotApi for the pro summoner match_ids. - Request RiotApi for the data of the match_id. - Request our database or RiotApi for the summoners. - Create Game with participants and summoners in our database. """ alias ProbuildEx.{ Games, RiotApi } require Logger def run(platform_id \\ "euw1") do region_client =, :convert_platform_to_region_id) platform_client = platform_id |> Games.list_pro_summoners() |> summoner -> RiotApi.list_matches(region_client, summoner.puuid) end) |> Stream.flat_map(&Games.reject_existing_games/1) |> riot_id -> with {:ok, match_data} <- RiotApi.fetch_match(region_client, riot_id), {:ok, summoners_list} <- fetch_summoners(platform_id, platform_client, match_data) do {match_data, summoners_list} end end) |> Stream.reject(fn {:error, _} -> true {_match_data, _summoners_list} -> false end) |> {match_data, summoners_list} -> platform_id |> Games.create_game_complete(match_data, summoners_list) |> log_failed_transaction() end) |> end defp fetch_summoners(platform_id, platform_client, match_data) do puuids_list = get_in(match_data, ["metadata", "participants"]) summoners_list = Enum.reduce_while(puuids_list, [], fn puuid, acc -> with {:error, :not_found} <- Games.fetch_summoner(puuid: puuid, platform_id: platform_id), {:ok, summoner_data} <- RiotApi.fetch_summoner_by_puuid(platform_client, puuid) do {:cont, [summoner_data | acc]} else {:ok, summoner} -> {:cont, [summoner | acc]} # We did not find the summoner in the RiotApi stop fetching summoners return empty list {:error, :not_found} -> {:halt, []} end end) case summoners_list do [] -> {:error, :summoner_puuid_not_found} summoners_list -> {:ok, summoners_list} end end defp log_failed_transaction(result) do case result do {:ok, _} -> :ok # Game with missing attributes version or winner {:error, :game, %{errors: _}, _any} -> :ok # Game with summoners missing their team_position {:error, {:participant, _}, %{errors: [{:team_position, _}]}, _any} -> :ok {:error, any} -> Logger.error(any) {:error, multi_name, changeset, multi} -> Logger.error(""" multi_name: #{inspect(multi_name)} changeset: #{inspect(changeset)} multi: #{inspect(multi)} """) end end end
Like for Canon.Pros
we are using Stream again and make a nice pipeline.
We start by creating two riot clients for v4 endpoints and v5 endpoints refer to part one if you forget why we need two clients.
We list the pro summoners on our database then sequentially:
- List his matches on the riot api
- Reject the matches that already exist in our database
- Flatten the result then iterate over the match_id
- Try to fetch the match on riot api two cases:
- Could not find match go to next match
- Find match try to fetch the summoners on database or riot api two cases:
- Could not find one of the summoners on riot api go to next match
- Success we find the 10 summoners
- Try to create the
Let's run our Canon.Games
in iex -S mix
and start collecting games. You can put one of the platflorm_id
from list ["euw1", "jp1", "kr", "na1", "br1"]
. You need to have some pro summoners in database by running the Canon.Pros
like we did before"kr")
Now you should see a mix of HTTP log from tesla and sql query and insert. At some point you should get rate limited. The tesla retry middleware that we setup in part one will kick in and retry when the limit end.
And that's all for Canon.Games
! It will take some time to complete depending on the region you choose. But since we do everything in transaction it's safe to kill it anytime and restart it later!
Canon Cron - commit
Now we have our Canon.Pros
and Canon.Games
we want them to be run in a cron fashion. Every 24 hours for Pros
and in a loop for Games
. We want to run Canon.Pros
and Canon.Games
per each platform_id
We will use a GenServer.
A GenServer is a process like any other Elixir process and it can be used to keep state, execute code asynchronously and so on.
defmodule ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron do @moduledoc """ Will run our Module Fun Args in a Cron fashion """ use GenServer, restart: :transient require Logger def start_link({delay, mfa}) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, {delay, mfa, 0}) end @impl true def init(args) do {:ok, args, {:continue, :schedule_next_run}} end @impl true def handle_continue(:schedule_next_run, {delay, mfa, 0}) do send(self(), :perform_work) {:noreply, {delay, mfa, 0}} end def handle_continue(:schedule_next_run, {delay, mfa, num}) do Process.send_after(self(), :perform_work, delay) {:noreply, {delay, mfa, num}} end @impl true def handle_info(:perform_work, {delay, {module, fun, args} = mfa, num}) do"Canon #{module} #{args} num #{num} started") {time, _result} = -> apply(module, fun, args) end)"Canon #{module} #{args} num #{num} finished in #{to_milli(time)} ms") {:noreply, {delay, mfa, num + 1}, {:continue, :schedule_next_run}} end defp to_milli(microsecond) do System.convert_time_unit(microsecond, :microsecond, :millisecond) end end
Let's go slowly. First, we make use of the restart: :transient
option to be able to stop our GenServer under :normal
Let's break what happens:
function receive thedelay
which is how many millisecond should we wait before running the next canon and mfa which stands for Module Function Args ex:{ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros, :run, ["kr"]}
. The third argument is the current number of completed canon it start at0
is triggered bystart_link
it receive the args from it{delay, mfa, num}
at the end it send a:schedule_next_run
is triggered two cases:- it's the first run
num == 0
in this case we runperform_work
without waiting the delay - it's not the first run
num != 0
in this case we runperform_work
after waiting the delay
- it's the first run
is triggered:- Log the args
- Run the mfa
- Report the number of time it took to complete using the erlang
function - Send a
Let's run Canon.Pros
through Canon.Cron
in iex -S mix
with 5 seconds delay.
{:ok, pid} = ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron.start_link({5_000, {ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros, :run, ["kr"]}}) ... [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros kr num 0 finished in 365 ms ... [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros kr num 1 finished in 190 ms
Since I run run Canon.Pros
on "kr"
previously it complete fast, then wait 5 seconds before running it again and again.
Supervisor and application configs - commit
Now that we can run our Canon
infinitely we want all our Canon to be created when we start the application and be automatically restarted in case of unknow errors.
Perfect in elixir we have Supervisor
a behaviour for a proces that supervises other processes and can restart them when they crash.
First we will setup a config for our Canons
Edit config/config.exs
config :probuild_ex, :canon, games: [platform_ids: ["euw1", "jp1", "kr", "na1", "br1"], delay: 10_000], pros: [platform_ids: ["euw1", "jp1", "kr", "na1", "br1"], delay: 1_000 * 60 * 60 * 24]
We will run 5 Canon.Games
waiting 10 seconds between completion and 5 Canon.Pros
waiting 24 hours between completion.
Edit config/test.exs
# Disable canon during tests config :probuild_ex, :canon, games: [platform_ids: []], pros: [platform_ids: []]
We don't want to run the canons during the tests.
Create file lib/probuild_ex/canon/supervisor.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Canon.Supervisor do @moduledoc false use Supervisor def start_link(_) do Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__) end @impl true def init(_) do config = Application.get_env(:probuild_ex, :canon) games = config[:games] pros = config[:pros] canon_games = for platform_id <- games[:platform_ids] do Supervisor.child_spec( {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, {games[:delay], {ProbuildEx.Canon.Games, :run, [platform_id]}}}, id: String.to_atom("game_" <> platform_id) ) end canon_pros = for platform_id <- pros[:platform_ids] do Supervisor.child_spec( {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, {pros[:delay], {ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros, :run, [platform_id]}}}, id: String.to_atom("pro_" <> platform_id) ) end children = canon_games ++ canon_pros Supervisor.init(children, strategy: :one_for_one) end end
We created our Canon supervisor it will get info from the config we did before and prepare a list of children filled with our Canon.Cron
configured to run our Games
and Pros
canons. The children list will be something like that.
[ %{ id: :game_euw1, restart: :transient, start: {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, :start_link, [{10000, {ProbuildEx.Canon.Games, :run, ["euw1"]}}]} }, %{ id: :game_jp1, restart: :transient, start: {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, :start_link, [{10000, {ProbuildEx.Canon.Games, :run, ["jp1"]}}]} }, ... %{ id: :pro_euw1, restart: :transient, start: {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, :start_link, [{86400000, {ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros, :run, ["euw1"]}}]} }, %{ id: :pro_jp1, restart: :transient, start: {ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron, :start_link, [{86400000, {ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros, :run, ["jp1"]}}]} }, ... ]
The strategy used is :one_for_one
which mean it will replace the canon that errored by another one with the same config.
Now we want our supervisor be started when we launch the application.
Edit lib/probuild_ex/application.ex
defmodule ProbuildEx.Application do # See # for more information on OTP Applications @moduledoc false use Application @impl true def start(_type, _args) do children = [ # Start the Ecto repository ProbuildEx.Repo, # Start the Telemetry supervisor ProbuildExWeb.Telemetry, # Start the PubSub system {Phoenix.PubSub, name: ProbuildEx.PubSub}, # Start the Endpoint (http/https) ProbuildExWeb.Endpoint # Start a worker by calling: ProbuildEx.Worker.start_link(arg) # {ProbuildEx.Worker, arg} ProbuildExWeb.Endpoint, # Canon Supervisor ProbuildEx.Canon.Supervisor ] # See # for other strategies and supported options opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: ProbuildEx.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end # Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration # whenever the application is updated. @impl true def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do ProbuildExWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed) :ok end end
In the children list we added our Canon.Supervisor
Now run iex -S mix
you should see so much logs from http and sql logs that you can't see anything it's just too fast.
Let's kill that and disable some logs using our local dev config.
Edit config/dev.local.exs
# since tesla and ecto_sql are deps don't forget to recompile them if you want to turn on / off their logs # mix deps.compile --force tesla ecto_sql config :logger, backends: [:console], compile_time_purge_matching: [ [application: :ecto_sql], [application: :tesla], [module: ProbuildEx.Canon.Games] ]
Using the :compile_time_purge_matching
we disable the sql and http logs and the logs and also the log from the Canon.Games
module this way we will see our others logs better.
Because tesla
and ecto_sql
are deps we need to recompile them turn on / off their logs.
mix deps.compile --force tesla ecto_sql
Now let's run our app again
iex -S mix Generated probuild_ex app [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Games euw1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Games jp1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Games kr num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Games na1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Games br1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros euw1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros kr num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros jp1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros na1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros br1 num 0 started [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros jp1 num 0 finished in 265 ms [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros br1 num 0 finished in 285 ms [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros na1 num 0 finished in 332 ms [info] Canon Elixir.ProbuildEx.Canon.Pros kr num 0 finished in 451 ms ...
Easy to read as you can see the Canon.Pros
complete very fast since I run them before the UGG endpoint have only small updates so running them every 24 hours is good enough.
The first Canon.Games
will take a lot of time to complete and it will get faster when we start to get a lot of summoners. Pro players play at high level and at this level it's often the same players.
Last thing let's ensure it restart by killing a random Canon
in iex -S mix
and check if the PID change
Supervisor.which_children(ProbuildEx.Canon.Supervisor) [ {:pro_br1, #PID<0.617.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_na1, #PID<0.616.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_kr, #PID<0.615.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_jp1, #PID<0.614.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_euw1, #PID<0.613.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_br1, #PID<0.612.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_na1, #PID<0.702.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_kr, #PID<0.610.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_jp1, #PID<0.609.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_euw1, #PID<0.608.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]} ] Supervisor.which_children(ProbuildEx.Canon.Supervisor) |> Enum.random() |> elem(1) |> Process.exit(:kill) Supervisor.which_children(ProbuildEx.Canon.Supervisor) [ {:pro_br1, #PID<0.617.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_na1, #PID<0.616.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_kr, #PID<0.615.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_jp1, #PID<0.614.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:pro_euw1, #PID<0.613.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_br1, #PID<0.612.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_na1, #PID<0.702.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_kr, #PID<0.753.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_jp1, #PID<0.609.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]}, {:game_euw1, #PID<0.608.0>, :worker, [ProbuildEx.Canon.Cron]} ]
We use Supervisor.which_children/1
to get the list of children. We then pick a random children PID and :exit
the process. The unlucky process was :game_kr
it get restarted right away by the supervisor with a new PID.
Closing thoughts
Well done and thanks for sticking with me to the end! This is probably the longest and most challenging part in the series, especially if you are new to elixir.
We covered a lot of things that you can do with elixir and ecto:
- Transactions through
to build a sequential pipelineGenServer
to run jobs infinitelySupervisor
to ensure our process get restarted if an unknow error happen
In the next part we will begin the creation of a styled dashboard with liveview to display our data.
Be sure to sign up to the newsletter so that you won't miss the next Part. Feel free to leave comments or feedback. I also appreciate if you can star ⭐ the companion code repo.
See you soon !