How to Use Private Elixir Libraries on GitHub CI
A detailed guide on how to configure GitHub Actions to access private Elixir libraries hosted on GitHub, including setting up personal access tokens, updating mix.exs, and using Docker for builds.
Hello, I am Baptiste, a tech professional with six years of diverse development experience. I led as a lead developer for a SaaS cashier system for three years, excelling both independently and in teams. I embrace adaptability and a hacker mindset, always eager to engineer innovative solutions.
A detailed guide on how to configure GitHub Actions to access private Elixir libraries hosted on GitHub, including setting up personal access tokens, updating mix.exs, and using Docker for builds.
Learn how to integrate Lucide icons into your Phoenix project seamlessly. This guide shows you how to add the Lucide library, manage icons, and customize icon styles in Phoenix.
About the Elixir Paris Meetup #24 at Ecole 42 in Paris.
A concise overview about Ash while developing LeagueOfReplays.